Pribamo CMS Platform

Our proprietry Content Management System (CMS) was designed for simplicity and security. Staff training takes generally 30 minutes maximum and that person requires no knowledge of HTML - it is quite simply a tool to update content, control menu items to publish their companies information externally or within an intranet.

The CMS is versatile - a company can deploy a world class newspaper, introduce an intranet, blog or multimedia portal in a day. There are minimal security issues and updates as the code is proprietry.

The modules listed below are at times complex in design, simple and intuitive interface - yet as a company manager or e-commerce administrator familiar with e-commerce and the difficulty or short-comings of systems these modules would be seen as incredible tools to minimise over-sight of the e-commerce system.


CMS Feature ListPribamo online newspaper cms template

Key Features    
The simplest admin user interface.
Three concepts - articles, categories and media (video or images).
Article management
Staff who write copy (e.g. MS Word) simply edit an existing or new article, the category you wish it appear, - paste in a title, first paragrah and the body of the text. The CMS will strip any formatting out. Add an image if desired.
Article categories
Create article categories like news, opinions, sports whatever you like, assign to a left, right or top menu in seconds, no complicated procedures or knowledge or fear of breaking the site - completely user friendly.
Either save the articles as 'save as a draft' or 'publish'. That's it - formatting and positioning automatic. Editors can review draft articles and publish in a second.
Media categories
Video's (hosted and uploaded through the interface, flv, H264, MP4) or via a link to a hosting service. image gallery, podcasts etc, all managed by categories.
Media Display logic
Automatic logic for Video's, image gallery or podcasts listed under sub-categories displayed or previewed 4 or 6 at a time with a selectabe 'View more'.
Latest articles option
If desired a list of the last 10 news (for example) articles.
Highlights displays the latest article or media published
Extra features    
RSS Feed module
RSS Feed Module allows any site changes to be notified to RSS feed subscribers
100% Customisable
Unlimited pages, categories
The top menu is only limited by space.
Email & phone support
See above.
Provided if requested, normally the formatting is defined with the exception of allowable tags like bold, links etc.
Security upgrades
Provided but rare. As it is proprietry code and not open to the world like many CMS packages with the constant security upgrades of versions and the associated difficulty with any third-party add-ons, these issues do not exist.
Free functionality upgrades
Google anayltics integration
Extra modules    
Dedicated contact page
Secure pages
Site map
Hosting or deliverable    

Our software products or services are delivered and designed with the needs of our clients. For any enquiries, quotes or demonstrations please contact us.